Jun 8, 2011

Advanced advanced compiler options in FD

Ok, so I'm a nerd...
Sometimes I let the little things bug the hell out of me.

FlashDevelop is a great tool that lets you do whatever you like, or so I thought until I ran into some problems generating documentation through AsDoc. The solution involved adding namespaces as additional compiler options, something like this:

But I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. First I would like to talk about this neat-freakyness of mine: I like it when the projects are self contained, all the assets except the SDK are kept inside the project structure and as path independent as possible.

The options have to be specfied like:
-namespace http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009 C:\FlexSDK\frameworks\mxml-2009-manifest.xml 

It drove me totally nuts as I knew that the pre and postbuild command-builders used tokens like "$(FlexSDK)" or "$(ProjectDir)" with values for all the important stuff.

So I wrote this plugin that lets you define the paths using the tokens from the pre/posbuild-command builder in this fashion:
-namespace http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009 $(FlexSDK)\frameworks\mxml-2009-manifest.xml 

Download it and smack it into your /Plugins folder yesterday.

Written in C# .NET for versions of FlashDevelop > 3