Aug 28, 2006

STCC - Sunday

Last sunday "the Company" went for a little trip to Gälleråsen racetrack to check up on a driver we sponsored some months ago. I suspected the whole thing would turn out in one of those days you ought to have stayed in bed.
We caught the bus from Central Gävle about 7 AM. Some cooperative companies had offered to join as well, to cut bus-prices a bit.
I'm far from a bus person myself, but the whole trip actually turned out great. Our boss and some other boss had planned ahead and fixed catering and a movie. Great, something to do for 3 hours I thought to myself. The movie turned out to be "Driven" featuring the award winning Sylvester Stallone. After the gruesome experience I was pumped with American cliché steriods and jumping at the thought of smelling burnt rubber.
And to my personal amusement the whole race track reeked of it too.
Dissapointment struck when our driver had some automotive trouble and had to bail the race early. But his teammate lessened the blow by advancing some 7 placements and finishing 5th total.

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